There are numerous statutory health insurance providers in Germany, offering different options for financial support for fertility treatments. Some cover the entire cost of treatment, others only half. Most German health insurance providers require that the couple who wish to have children are married and that the woman has not exceeded her 40th birthday.
Before starting IVF treatment in Austria, you should make sure that your German health insurance company will cover the desired proportion. In this regard, we would be happy to create a non-binding treatment plan with detailed cost estimate for you, as well as a confirmation of compliance with German guidelines. According to the EU regulations, the German health insurance companies have to pay the same amount – regardless of whether the couple starts treatment in Germany or an IVF institute in Austria.
Our German employee Ms Zaglmann is available with more information in connection with payment using German health insurance companies:
Heidi Zaglmann
Tel.: +49 9961 700 890
Mobil: +49 152 217 311 52
Unterholzen 5
D - 94 3 54 Haselbach